Episode 1

Published on:

17th Oct 2021

Inverted U Curve and Agile Development

A wise approach when we want to adopt a new methodology, technology or simply a new practice in a project team, is to identify and compare in advance the advantages and disadvantages of its use. Every time such analysis shall be carried out taking into account the context in which it will be adopted. "Which are the benefits of implementing the practice X in my team?", "What are the main risks for my project in the conditions of implementing the methodology Y?", "Which is the learning curve of the technology Z and how will it impact the deadlines?" - these are just a few examples of questions we ask ourselves (together with our team) prior to making a decision. The unexpected trap of this process is that we usually try to fully benefit from the advantages of the methodology/technology/practice we implement and most of the time we exaggerate in this respect. The Yerkes-Dodson law (known also as "Inversed U Curve theory") gives an interesting perspective in approaching all these practices.

Youtube: Software Project Management | S2E01 | Inverted U Curve and Agile Development

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About the Podcast

Gestionarea Proiectelor Software
note de curs
Un podcast pentru și despre cei care sunt implicați în managementul și implementarea de proiecte software. Sunt discutate și analizate (dintr-o perspectivă subiectivă) tehnici, practici, instrumente și metodologii utilizate în astfel de proiecte.
Podcastul s-a născut din dorința de a furniza o sursă de informație suplimentară stundenților înscriși la cursurile de Gestiunea Proiectelor Software și Agile Software Development, cursuri predate la Facultatea de Matematică și Informatică a Universității Babeș-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, precum și a celor înscriși la cursul de Metodologii Alternative de Management al Proiectelor predat la Școala Națională de Studii Politice și Administrative București.
În același timp acest podcast poate fi util tuturor celor care au tangență cu proiectele software în plan profesional.

About your host

Profile picture for Dan Mircea Suciu

Dan Mircea Suciu

Dan Mircea Suciu is lecturer for the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at "Babeș Bolyai" University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and senior trainer, consultant and Agile coach at Colors in Projects. He has more than 20 years of experience in software project development, design and management. His fields of interest include agile software development methodologies, object-oriented analysis, design and databases, but he is also passionate about how human brain works.
He is also an author and international speaker.